(album or track name)

Blood Red Roses
Track appears on these albums:
The Singing Sailor (Topic TRL3)
Row Bullies Row (Topic 8T7)
Singing Sailors (Wattle C5)
Off to Sea Once More (Stinson Records SLP 81)
A Hundred Years Ago (Topic TOP99)
Thar She Blows! (Riverside RLP 12-635)
Whaling Ballads (Washington WLP 724)
Chants de Marins Anglais No 1 (Le Chante du Monde LDY 4155)
Sea Songs And Shanties. Topic Sampler No 7 (Topic TPS 205)
Please, note, that these may be the different versions of the same song
On the other hand, if the song appears under a different name on some album - it won't be shown here